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Our Story

TIPFF-Life is a non profit organisation dedicated to preventing forest fires. Our organisation works tirelessly to raise awareness 

obout the importance of forest conservation and the devastating impact of wildfires. 


Our Primary goal is to take proactive measures to prevent fires from occuring in the first place.

We collaborate local communities, government agencies, and environmental groups to stop forest and wildlife fires.

These strategies include stopping the fire outbreaks, implementing early detective systems, and educating the publicon fire safety practices.


TIPFF life also plays a crucial role in training, organising volunteer programs, and advocatng for stronger regulations and policies to protect forests. Through our efforts, we aim to preserve our valuable ecosystems, protect wildlife habitats,

and ensure the sustainable management of our forests.

Stoney River
Solar Panels on Roof
Industrial Smoke
Foggy Forest
Environment Pollution
Cloudy Day
Tropical Storm
Trees From Above


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